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What We Believe
Inclusion & Social Justice
Runnymede United Church welcomes people from all backgrounds and sexual orientations, wherever you are in your faith journey. We are respectful of the religious practice of all people of good will and we are a welcoming church that believes in ongoing renewal.
Following the example of Jesus, we believe that we strengthen one another in making a better world. God’s endless generosity encourages our own gratitude and generosity in our local and global communities.
Baptism & Communion
The United Church celebrates two sacraments—baptism and communion.
Baptism uses water as a symbolic cleansing that signifies our new life in the church community. Baptism is a commitment to seek to live in the ways of Jesus. When children are baptised, it is the parents’ commitment and for adults it is their own commitment. Runnymede United makes a commitment as a congregation to nurture and support all people and families who are baptised in our congregation.
The Lord’s Supper or Communion is a shared meal that uses symbolic bread and wine or juice to remind us of Jesus’ last supper with his followers and of God’s enduring love. Runnymede United Church professes an open table where all people without division or exclusion are welcome to share the feast of Jesus.
Our Faith & The Bible
The Bible is central to the United Church of Canada. As a source of wisdom, personal prayer, and devotion, we believe that reading and studying the Bible can bring us closer to God.
Runnymede United Church is grounded in the Bible, but with that grounding, we are also open to challenging and questioning what it means to be a person of faith and live in God’s ways. Our faith is grounded in the Bible and lives in the world that we live in today. The Bible is a living text that informs the world as we know it today. Our faith is a lifelong journey of growing and stretching to live in the ways of Jesus.
United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada is the largest Protestant Christian denomination in Canada. Runnymede United Church is part of the United Church of Canada. Learn more here:
Frequently Asked Questions
We hope so! Runnymede is a welcoming space. There is so much to discover here in terms of spirituality, connection, and community. Have a look around the website to see what catches your eye and join our email list — both of these will give you a good idea about all that Runnymede has to offer you. Give us a try!
Yes! Runnymede United is an inclusive church that seeks to make a positive difference in the lives of its members and the world that we live in. Everyone is welcome. Really!
The United Church of Canada is a Protestant denomination founded in 1925. In fact, we’re the only church organization founded by an act of Parliament! United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and sexual orientations, wherever you are in your faith journey. Click on this link to learn more: The United Church of Canada
Faith is about questions. No matter where you are in your faith journey--a committed believer or someone with deep questions--you are welcome at Runnymede United. Many people come to Runnymede United with no church background or experience and that is great. Bring your questions, bring your doubts and share in finding answers with all of us.
In a world with so many possibilities and outlets for our time and resources, why do people still go to church? Runnymede United Church is a place for learning about faith, sharing in worship, and living out our faith as we learn about it from Jesus Christ. It is a multi-generational community that supports one another, eats together, laughs together, and provides a safe space to ask questions and give answers. Church is not a building, church is people and the people of Runnymede United Church are inclusive and generous. Runnymede United is a community where you belong as you are, how you are, as you are comfortable.
Runnymede United Church is proud to have become an Affirming Ministry in 2021. Yes, you are safe here. For more information on what Affirming means, go to Affirm United.
Children, youth, and young families are very welcome at Runnymede United! Our Family Outreach and Christian Education Leader, Ellen Toompuu, lead a team of Sunday School teachers to learn about faith and God’s world on Sunday mornings. There are also opportunities outside of Sunday mornings for social fun and community projects. Of course, your child is welcome to stay by your side during Sunday morning service, but most children and youth love to participate in our programming made especially for them!
Runnymede United is wheelchair accessible from the north side door. We have an elevator for access to Memorial Hall in the lower level, which is also where accessible washrooms are located. We have hearing assistance devices available for use during service. Our website is compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to ensure that as many people as possible can enjoy what Runnymede United has to offer. Click on the Accessibility Icon to explore those features.
First, wear whatever you're comfortable wearing to come to Sunday service. Many people dress very casually. If you'd like to attend service in person, you're welcome to enter through the side door on the south side. There is an accessible ramp on the north side door. Parking is available along Runnymede Road or across the street in the school parking lot. You can sit wherever you're comfortable. There is no assigned seating. The order of service is posted weekly to help guide you through the service. It's all very easy to follow along. Relax and enjoy!
There is no fee to attend worship or to be a part of Runnymede United Church. There are ways to donate to Runnymede United as you are comfortable and able to do. The offerings that are received support the work of the congregation and the expenses involved with maintaining the building and property so it can be available for the congregation and community.